5 Ways to Decarbonize Your Home

Decarbonizing sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but it is something you can start today. Decarbonizing your home simply means reducing the carbon footprint that your home creates. This article will give you some simple tips to decarbonize your home. It’s a task that will pay off for the planet and your energy bill.

  1. Improve energy efficiency.

Improve the energy efficiency of your home. The best way to do this is to ensure your home is properly insulated. Check on any insulation in your attic or crawlspace, and check your windows and doors to make them seal well, too. Heating and cooling account for most of a home’s carbon footprint, so installing a smart thermostat can also help. Keeping your home at 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and closer to around 72 degrees in the summer can reduce heating and cooling costs and your carbon footprint even without replacing your thermostat.

2. Go all electric.

Using all electric appliances is a good idea if you want to decarbonize. This step ensures that you can use any green power offered by your local energy provider or even switch to solar if you’re interested. Gas appliances rely solely on fossil fuels, so they will always have a carbon footprint. Electric stoves, water heaters, and heating can be run on other, more renewable forms of energy with a lower carbon footprint. Electrifying your appliances will also prevent the risk of gas leaks in your home and reduce indoor air pollution. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint outside the home, consider a hybrid or all-electric option for your next vehicle.

3. Power down electronics completely.

When you’re not using a device, ensure it is turned off completely and, if possible, unplugged. Appliances and consumer electronics account for a sizeable portion of a home’s energy usage. So shut down your computers, turn off the T.V., and unplug small appliances and device chargers when you aren’t actively using them. This reduces the electricity your home uses and impacts your carbon footprint.

4. Opt for LED lighting.

  Replace your old bulbs or fixtures with new, efficient LED lighting. These types of lights use less energy and tend to last longer than conventional bulbs as well. They are available in a wide range of light temperatures and brightnesses. LED bulbs can be found to fit most lamps and fixtures. 

5. Ditch the clothes dryer.

Even if you’ve got an electric dryer instead of a gas one, it will still use much more energy than your washing machine. Since it’s such a big energy consumer, try doing things the old-fashioned way and line-dry your clothes if possible. It’s still a good idea to ensure your dryer is electric and Energy Star rated, just in case you need to use it. But when the weather is nice, try line-drying the laundry. It will add more time and effort to your laundry routine, but you can feel good about helping reduce your environmental impact. You can always run the dryer when you’re pressed for time or it’s looking cloudy. Even line drying a load a week can make an impact.

Apply these tips to get started decarbonizing your home. You can look up other methods to reduce your carbon footprint as well. We can collectively impact our environment and help fight climate change when we all work to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Take some time today to consider what methods you might use to decarbonize your home.